Ash Basin Closure

Sequoia was awarded contracts to clean close by excavation 2 CCR basins and one dry ash storage area totaling over 7 million tons of CCR materials in the Southeastern United States. Also included in the project were the operation and closure of the onsite CCR landfill and support of the active generating station by disposal of generated ash and gypsum and supporting off-site sales of marketable materials.

Sequoia began the project by excavating and stockpiling 250,000 CY of overburden soils from an ash stockpile before excavating, hauling, and placing over 375,000 CY of stockpiled CCR in the onsite landfill. Additional work was awarded which included an additional 2 ash basins for excavation by 2029. Sequoia will remove and stockpile an additional 500,000 CY of overburden soil materials from one of the basins, excavate the remaining 1.9 million tons of ash and haul to the onsite landfill. The second basin encountered a major slough during the dewatering process prior to contract award that resulted in Sequoia commissioning an extensive geotechnical engineering evaluation of the basin stability before excavating an estimated 4 million tons of CCR and hauling to the landfill via new haul roads. Sequoia constructed these roads which feature two 80-foot bridges spanning a railroad and a creek to utilize off road trucks for the project.


North Carolina

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